Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cold and White

Good evening everyone, Dave and I slept late this morning. We were very tired for some reason. We went and picked up Alina brought her back to the apartment for awhile. We had lunch then went out for a walk through town. Alina wanted to go into a clothing store so we did. This store had very good prices! We bought Alina a shirt and jacket, I got a warm dress coat and David got a pair of pants, shirt and a nice warm coat. All for 400 greivnas or 50. American dollars. Very cheap! My coat from home is a waist coat with NO hood. My Ukraine coat goes to the middle of my legs and has a hood, and yes has fur! Not real fur but nice none the less. We then took our findings back to the apartment and went back to the grocery store for some groceries. Then we came back to the apartment and I prepared dinner. We took Alina back to the orphanage at 5:30 so she would be back at a good time. We have court at 10:00am in the morning. We will be picked up at 9:20 then go pick up Alina and meet Angelina at the court house. Hopefully things will happen quickly! We don't know yet what we will be doing about the children. At some point we need to decide rather to split up or wait out Alina's 10 days then travel as a family to Novamirgrade. We will let you know at a later time. God Bless
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  1. uummmm... do you think that maybe it's because you've been travelling back and forth, busy, busy, busy ... and on emotional highs??? that's exhausting! make sure you let the adrenaline take a rest!--your body needs it! (and now that you have children, you will need all the rest you can get)hehehe

    it's good to do all these things, just balance it with taking care of your bodies!!(ok, this is the health-caregiver in me)

    i say wait and take the FAMILY together trip!!

    hugs and love! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. From Durrell:

    I hope it goes good at the hearing tomorrow.

    hmm, did you watch Bambi again?

    I hope you come home soon.

    From Denver:

    I like you very much and I want to get to see you everyday, Aunt Freda & Uncle David. I want you to be ok, Alina. And I want Tanya to be ok, too. I hope you come home soon.

