Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The day before

Hello everyone, well its the day before court and first thing this morning Olga was running around trying to get some paper work straightened out before court. Yes things have gone very good for us, so I guess its time we have a little set back. We decided to go to the open market. Its close by and it seemed to be a big one. Olga says this is where you can get really good deals and they have everything! David wanted me to buy a pair of Ukrainian boots, they had many to choose from. I found a pair that we all liked. Then we decided I needed a new outfit for tomorrow. So I got a shirt and skirt to go with my boots. I like it very much. David bought a hat and a pair of shoes. Then we went to see Tanya. She was in a play so we were happy to see her in action. Afterwards we took Tanya to a late lunch, we waited a long time for lunch but it was ok. We were at the restaurant at our hotel. After lunch Olga rushed off to get more paperwork. We went up to our room where Tanya listened to the I-Pod for awhile, and she looked around for a while. I noticed she was getting bored so we went down stairs to the store. Its a grocery but it has a lot of different things including toys. Well Tanya's eyes lit up when she saw head bands. She has one in her hair everyday, then there were some clips and other stuff. What she flipped out about was a cheap barbie that had pretty dresses. We said yes this made her very happy! She is very easy to please. (So far) we played with her barbie and ate sunflower seeds, then it was time to take her back. The assistant director met us down stairs to give Olga paper work she needs for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 6:00am Olga will head off to Kirovagrad to get the birth parents documents of some sort, fax this to SDA in hopes to get the conclusion for court! So here is what we need everyone to do. Pray! This is very important and I believe in the power of prayer, so everyone can help us out by praying. Thank you and have a great night.
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  1. Well let me say and im being honest ...i never really prayed untilyou went on this mission ...but i tell you i pray every day now not just for you but MY FAMILY....i just hope that when i read this tomorrow my prayers have been answered !!!! hope you dont mind but i told the man upstairs your my cousin needed a good reference ;-)

  2. OH FREDA --silly girl!! prayers have been chained together for months!! i have you on a prayer list, i bet the church chain does and lots of us are praying!!
    You do know that whatever happens, God will bring you through? So, it is in HIS hands, and i believe that HE has opened all these doors for you... keep walking through !!

    I love you...
