Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pre trial

Ok we went to court. Today the trial didn't last very long, he had us state our name, address, place of employment. He said we made enough money to support a child. He asked the social worker if she objected, she said no. He asked the guardian counsel inspector does she object she said no, so he said this is enough to have the actual trial tomorrow at 2pm. Tanya will be there tomorrow as well as others, so it will take more time. After court we went and picked up Tanya and took her out to eat. Now she is in our room with us. We will take her back at 6. She is so cute, she is always looking at me smiling, so I asked Olga to ask her why she is always looking at me smiling she says because she likes me very much, and because I am very beautiful! I don't think I have ever been told I am very beautiful. Love is blind I guess. Well this is all we have to report for now. Tomorrow is the big day, we won't see Tanya for at least 10 days, we miss her already. God Bless!
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1 comment:

  1. David... you better get with it!! with three girls in the family, you'd better brush up on your "you look soo beautiful" phrases !! ;)

    how many court dates does it take? and why can't you see Tanya for 10d? don't you get to take her with you?

    well, it will all come together, then you won't be seperated again (until those terrible teen years!)

    LOVE YOU ALL! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo hugs
