Monday, February 9, 2009

Hurry up and wait

Good evening everyone, we left our apartment at 9:45am this morning. We needed to go to hope orphanage to have the director sign some paperwork that pertains to Alina's adoption. She was running late for the meeting, it turns out she had to stop and pick up a 3 year old boy and take him to her orphange. He has a 2 year old brother also, but his brother went to the baby orphange. The boys don't have a father and the mother left the young boys in an apartment for 1 month by themselves, no one knows where she went. So the boys went to the orphange! This is what was told to us. He is so cute! How? why? These are questions I always find myself asking. All the staff came out to meet him and comforted him. We had a nice visit with the dirictor, she voiced concern for Alina, and was very happy that we came for her. She signed the paperwork and we were on our way. Next stop the court house. Olga had us wait down stairs and said wish me luck and hurried up stairs to summit our dossier. She came back about 15 minutes later full of smiles and said it was excepted! Now we are off to have lunch. Lunch was good as always. We had time we didn't have to be to the notery until 2:00pm. After lunch it was time to go purchase or train tickets. We tried to get a train car all to our self but they only had 4 upper seats in 2 different rooms. This is disappointing for now David and I will share a room with 2 strangers. Oh well what do you do! now its time to meet the notery. She to was running late, she went to see her son in the hospital. Once she arrived there were many interruptions, but finally the documents were notarized! Finally we had to take our documents to the assistant inspector so she can write up our consent forms! She told us to bring them to her house so she could work on them tonight so that our paperwork would not be held up, so we got a cab. We got home and packed up our things for our long journey tomorrow. In the morning we will go back to the notery to have Tanya's paperwork notarized, which was smart thinking on Olga's part.! That way this part will be finished a head of time! Our train leaves at 3:30pm tomorrow and it will take us 12 hours to get there. The assistant director will pick us up at the train station at 3:00am and take us to a hotel. How nice is that, she is happy that we are coming. Tanya told her her parents are coming for her. How did she know this you ask? We never said we were coming for her. She just knew! Well have a good night. God Bless!
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  2. I just learned about your blog yesterday, so I've been catching up on your adoption progress. Dan and I are SO delighted for you all!

    Love, Lynelle

  3. That is soo sad for the little boy, and even sadder that he is now separated from his brother :( I've heard that one of the hardest things about adopting is the many children you have to leave behind. Prayers for them all! I'm so glad your paperwork is going through. Do you know when your hearing will be set for Alina? Have a safe trip to Tanya's!

  4. You both are doing excellent at all this travel... i'm so very proud of you!!
    it is so hard to hear all the sad stories (mine are dogs, but the same type of thing) - don't you just want to shake some people?

    i'm glad that things are going smoothly (although you might not feel like it sometimes)...

    of course riding with strangers -- just a friend you haven't made yet!! hehe :)
    love you!!! hugs to my nieces please !!
