Friday, February 13, 2009


The town we are in now is one of those towns you could see your self living in it may resemble I town in the mid west but has a large statue of stalin in the center of the city. Their is very few cars on the streets, mostly taxis and delivery trucks a few motorcycles etc. You go about a mile or two from city center and it turns into bicycles and horse drawn wagons. I was told the population is around 9000. I looked out the window this morning and saw a procession of people walking down the street their was police officers and people carring a wreath, I thought it was a funeral,l but when we spoke with our driver he said it was in memory of the troops return from afhganastan it is interesting how not many years ago they were their and now we are there we are in the heart of Ukraine now and the people here speak Ukrainian. Another neat thing about Ukraine is they have many music video channels on tv one is mtv but not like in america it actually plays music videos. American music is played frequently here. Every one we have spoke with is very nice and helpful on the streets people look and whisper thing like tourist and americanski. Our faculty says they are not used to seeing forienors and they think of us as being from another planet. The kids at the orphanage are about the same staring. And saying things such as america or hello not sure at first if they were making fun or what but it seems they are curious and want to get our attention and hear about america. The school here were Tanya is at is very nice it is clean and the kids talented
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  1. aren't we so much alike, although different? people are people with joys and sorrows... hmmm

    it is interesting how much the USA has "invaded" other countries! have you seen McD's yet????

    hugs to all!!

  2. This must be a comment from Dave ;-) very informative about the surroundings.

  3. We are so excited for you! It sounds like all is coming along smoothly. We can't wait to see the girls home as Americans! We will pray you soon have a safe trip home with your new family.

    Todd and Becky
