Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Good afternoon everyone! Sorry it has taken so long to update you all on our trip. We took a 12 hour train trip, it was very hot on the train! The assistant director picked us up at the train station and took us to our hotel. So we arrived at our hotel at 4:15am. We were very tired so we went right to bed! Then we got up at 8:00am went to get permission from the inspector to go see Tanya. We did go to the boarding school to see Tanya! She was happy to see us and we spent several hours with her. The assistant director is so very nice she had breakfast prepared for us then David and I went into a room to visit with Tanya by ourselves while Olga and the assistant went to do some paperwork. When Olga came back we went to Tanya's class to give out gifts. The children and the teacher was very appreciative. We had Tanya hand out candy and we put the toys on the teachers desk! We told Tanya what her name was going to be and she liked it very much Tatyana Grace Quinnam! We asked her questions like does she want to be adopted? Does she understand she will go to America and live with us forever? You get the point. We wanted her to know what will be happening and we wanted to make sure she wants to go. She said yes she understands she knew when she met me in April that I was her momma! She has been waiting on me ever since! How great God is! I told her I was very sorry, had I know she felt that way I would have had her stay with us the time while in America, but I didn't know. I started to cry because I felt bad for not knowing. You see I felt something special for this child when I first met her and I find out she to had the same feeling! So let me say for all of you who has this feeling in your heart, go with it! It was time to say goodbye for now, but we told her we would be back later. So we went to have lunch and now we are in our room just for an hour. We will go back to the boarding school while Olga goes to some places to do some paper work. This city is very small but is very nice and quiet. Our hotel is very nice and things are much cheaper here than in Gorlovka! David and I like it here very much! We will be here until at least Sunday. So we will visit Tanya several times! We will post something later. God Bless
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  1. What an exciting day! It's hard to even express in words how happy I am for you! Thank you so much for blogging so all of us "on the other side of the world" can catch a glimpse of what you're going through. I can hardly wait to get to know Tanya. Enjoy your time together!

  2. Freda, I was there that April and I remember you expressing feelings for Tanya. I can't remember in details what all you said but I remember you really like her and wanted to take her if you could. I remember that she looked at you as if she understood you, returning a beautiful smile back to you. I am so happy that you were able to meet again and that everything work out in between the two of you. God is good!

  3. **sniff, sniff** tissue please... i never ceases to amaze me how GOD works ... is Grace a middle name you gave her?? Did you tell her about all the aunties, uncles, and cousins who are waiting for her too??? please give her a BIG hug for me!

    sounds like quite the experience - how amazing...
    LOVE YOU BOTH -- and both girls too!!
