Thursday, February 5, 2009


Good Evening everyone, we are in Gorlovka now just got settled in our hotel. I stayed here in April when I came it's a very nice hotel. Tomorrow Olga will take us to meet with the inspector, Olga feels that the inspector will go with us to see Alina. For those of you who do not know what an inspector is, it is required by law for an inspector to go with you to see your child for the first time. She will see how you and the child interact with each other. The inspector will then say yes you can proceed with adoption or no you can not. I don't feel we will have a problem for we all know that Alina wants to come home! Then we will go to the notery to have 3 applications drawn up and notarized. Hopefully we will see Tanya on Tuesday. Olga said she spoke to deputy director and told her we are coming for Tanya, she said Tanya asks every day when is her Momma and Papa coming for her? The deputy director said she didn't know what she was talking about, but now it makes since to her. Dave and I were very happy to hear that she is waiting for us to come. I did find out she as an 18 year old brother. The SDA says this is not a problem, he is to old to be adopted and they don't know where he is anyway. I also found out that in 2006 Tanya's mom left her in the apartment by herself and never came back, and has never been heard of again. So social services came and put her in the orphanage. Well this is all I know for now, David and I are very tired from our 17 hour train ride. We will write some more tomorrow. God Bless.
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1 comment:

  1. Well im so glad everything is looking good for you , Dave take care of my cousin or should i says cousin's!!!! Cant wait to meet the girls.. love you guy's be safe sweet dreams

    p.s i thought you could use an angel that is why i used momma's pic :-) i know she would be so proud!
