Thursday, February 12, 2009

Great news

Hello friends we are happy to report that we have Tanya's court date it is on Wednesday! We witnessed her signing her consent for adoption today! We spent a lot of time with her today while Olga worked on our behalf! This girl is amazing! She doesn't waste any time. She has taken such great care of us! Today we asked Tanya a bunch of questions, played games and helped her with her home work, but the best part of the day was when I just held her on my lap and she cuddled to me. It was an amazing feeling for both of us! She needed to be held and I needed to hold her! We found out through all the questions that she not only looks like her papa but they like and dislike the same things! It is wonderful! We hope to leave for Gorlovka at the end of the week to get Alina's court date. If things continue to move like this we will be home very soon. Tomorrow we will go to get train tickets. We will continue to keep you informed. E-mails and phone calls are welcomed. Have a good night we will. Thank you Lord for making our dreams a reality! God Bless
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  1. Oh my this is wonderful news!!! I'm so excited! I can not wait to meet me niece, see Alina and to give you a big hug. I miss you soo much.

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYY i been waiting all day to hear this good news im so excited!!!!! cant wait to get you guys home!!!!

  3. WOO HOO!!!! how precious is Tanya?!! (how old is Tanya? - i think Alina is 12, right?)

    what fantastic news... now, how do the girls feel about one another? Have they met? do they know that they are not "an only child" ??

    Please tell them that Auntie Mikkie loves them and give them hugs for me!!

    LOVE YOU MUCH!! (maybe i should come "home" !!!-- you might need a auntie-nanny!!?

    PS: i kept checking this a.m. and no post, so am soooo happy you posted before going to bed ! night night -- i know you will have sweet dreams now :) - BIG smile !

  4. Wow! Dave and Freda I can't believe that you guys are getting your court date this fast! I've been following Sergey's adoption and they have been there since Thanksgiving and are just now finishing up. You all must have an incredible facilitator. I am so very happy for you all!
    We will pray for the rest of your journey.
    Much Love,
    Terry and Cathy
