Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Train ride

Hello friends, its 5:00pm here and we have been on the train now for the last 2 hours! Our train is due to arrive at 3:00am. Unfortunately I am in a cabin with people I don't know, but I'm ok now. I was afraid at first, but I am fine now. I don't have to much to report today since most of the time we will be on the train. I will try to get some sleep! I will report in tomorrow. God Bless!
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  1. I pray everything goes well with Tanya also and hope and pray your trip is peaceful. I email with a friend who hosted another girl from the same orphanage as Tanya and ask her to contact you because I knew you were going there. Take care. We love you and we are thinking and praying for you.

  2. Well your just about to your destination good luck with Tonya's paperwork...luv you

  3. Freda, you are doing GREAT!! remember that GOD has been protecting you both all along and HE will continue to do so. You need not fear for GOD is near!

    so very proud of you both for all you are doing outside your comfort zone! :)

    hugs to you -- and my nieces !!
